As a family business, we feel a special responsibility towards our stakeholders. When making decisions, we keep the long-term development of our company in mind. Secure, future-proof jobs are at the core of our sustainability strategy. To safeguard existing jobs and create new ones in the future, we operate responsibly so that the needs of our stakeholders can be met in the long term. We assume this responsibility in our customer relationships, in our product and supply chains, for our employees, in our social environment and in relation to the environment. The fact that we are successful with this approach is demonstrated by our company history of over 60 years, which has been characterized by constant growth, and by our employees, who now number over one hundred.

Long-term customer relationship
Customized products
High technologies level
Binding deadlines
Fair pricing
Whether electronics, automation or control cabinet construction, our customer relationships are designed for sustainability.
We use our well-trained and experienced specialists to professionally handle the joint development of customized products, their manufacture and commissioning, as well as documentation and comprehensive service contracts.
We work on schedule and in close coordination with our customers. Our pricing is fair and transparent.
Product and supply chain responsibility
Sustainable product development
Certified raw materials
In our products, we process components that we procure worldwide.
In doing so, we adhere to all compliance regulations for the raw materials used.
During product development, we pay attention to the economical use of materials and the most environmentally friendly substances possible. Our products are designed to be low-maintenance and repair-friendly.
Employees and staff
Modern workplaces
Development opportunities
Health management
“At E.P., everyone does what he or she does best.” This sentence sums up our employee-oriented personnel policy.
We train our own specialists and intensively induct newcomers. In annual development meetings, performance is honestly assessed and scope for development is jointly explored. Binding agreements, modern workplaces, many with home office options, working time accounts, and a continuous range of health benefits are what set us apart.
Our company benefits from a globally networked world, so we are pleased that our workforce is becoming increasingly international. Diversity and equal opportunities make us an attractive employer for people who want to contribute to our company with their creative drive.
Donations for social initiatives
House of Little Scientists
Sports sponsorship
As a company, we also see ourselves as citizens and accept our responsibility in our social environment. As part of the science-oriented educational initiative “Haus der kleinen Forscher e.V.” (House of Little Scientists), we have been supporting a local kindergarten with materials and reciprocal visits for over 10 years. For more than 10 years, half of the proceeds from our annual Christmas raffle have gone to Brennessel e.V., a counseling center for sexually abused children and young people, and the other half to local, regional or international social projects proposed by our employees. Our social commitment is rounded off by our sports sponsorship of professional mountain biker Daniel Gathof. The passion with which he practices his sport and encourages children and young people to ride their bikes convinced us, as we also run our business with great passion and a focus on success.
Home office offers
Job bike offer
Insect-friendly greening
As a company, our activities naturally have an impact on the environment. Our endeavor has therefore been to make our contribution to environmental protection for several years. Since 2021, we have been producing our own electricity with our photovoltaic system. In our new company building, which is currently being completed, we are using environmentally friendly geothermal energy for heating, and in our existing buildings we are using modern heating technology. For many years we have offered our employees mobile working wherever possible, which has already saved many commuter kilometers. Those who wish to work in the city are welcome to use our JobRad service for their commute. When landscaping our company grounds, we pay attention to native, insect-friendly planting. For maintenance work, we prefer to use remote maintenance to avoid travel emissions.